Tasks View

Tasks view is a view using which we can track various tasks that we have to do. To know how to open the Tasks View, see this post.

There are two types of Tasks, Linked Tasks and unlinked Tasks.

Linked Tasks: Linked Tasks are tasks that are linked or related to a specific location or file. For Example, if you are working on some program and have to stop your work due to some reasons and want to remind yourself that you need to write some code at a specific location, you will use linked tasks.

In the Tasks view, when you double click on any Linked Task, it will open the file to which the task is linked and the cursor will be pointing to the line where the task was linked. Following are the methods of creating a Linked Task:

  1. Right Click the Ruler corresponding to the File/Line to which you want to link the task and select Add Task option.
  2. On the line where the Task is to be Linked, write:

// TODO Task To Be Done

This will also place the Task in the Tasks view, linking it with the line the Comment was written on, and will show Task To Be Done in Description Field.

Unlinked Tasks: Unlinked tasks are the tasks that are not related to any specific file or line. These are tasks of more General Nature. These tasks might Include, Mail Sam when Work is Over.

To add an Unlinked task, Right Click in the Tasks View and select Add Task.

Priority: We can define the priority of each task. Three available Priority levels are:

  1. High: Represented by an Red Exclamation Mark.
  2. Normal: No special symbols used.
  3. Low: Represented by an Arrow Facing Downwards.

Other Details that are shown in the Tasks View are:

  1. Description: This gives the description of the task.
  2. Resource: Gives the name of the file where the task is linked to.
  3. Path: Gives the absolute path of the File to which the task is related (minus the File Name).
  4. Location: Gives the Line Number of the related Line.
  5. Type: Gives the type of task.
  6. Priority: Inform about the task priority.
  7. Completion: Informs whether the task is completed or not.